Speaking as an author…

I was afraid, when I began to do author talks, that someone would take me to task about this dubious fact, or that poorly argued inference. I thought they might interrogate me about my sources, or debate the validity of some of my suppositions. It hasn't happened. Not yet, anyway. What I AM constantly being asked is why, and how, I first became interested in EM. If you're wondering too, I wrote about the answer to that ages ago, in a post you can find here. Sometimes I'm asked about [...]

2018-05-27T19:02:02+10:00May 27th, 2018|Author Interviews, Writing|4 Comments

Beautiful, beautiful blurbs

So the blurbs for my book have arrived. I can't begin to explain how pleased, grateful and - well - humbled I'm feeling. So I'll stop explaining, and let you read them for yourself. ‘The triumphs and trials of Elizabeth Macarthur, a capable business woman and dedicated wife and mother, are given their due in this impressively researched biography.’ Brenda Niall ‘Finally, Elizabeth Macarthur steps out from the long shadow of her infamous, entrepreneurial husband. In Michelle Scott Tucker’s devoted hands, Elizabeth emerges as a canny businesswoman, charming diplomat, loving [...]

2018-03-24T23:56:48+11:00February 8th, 2018|Writing|6 Comments
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