2014 – My Year in Books

It's that time of year when the blogosphere, literary journals and newspapers are full of lists of best books of 2014.  So, for what it's worth, here's a list of (almost) everything I've read this year for pleasure.  The comments are simply whatever small note I made (or didn't make) in my reading journal. I rarely bother to finish (or list) a book I don't enjoy.  I've reviewed some of those listed below but I only blog about books that are at least vaguely relevant to the topic of biography [...]

2018-03-21T14:55:41+11:00December 23rd, 2014|Life|0 Comments

Books about Biography

Sometimes it seems like I spend more time reading about writing than actually writing. More time listening to people talk about books (at festivals, on podcasts, in book reviews) than actually reading. I could beat myself up about this - and sometimes I do - but more often I just accept that I reading and writing are important to me.  I enjoy the theory as well as the practice.  As an inevitable result of my interest in words, many of the books on my shelves (Liatorp, Ikea - much admired [...]

2018-03-21T14:56:15+11:00September 11th, 2014|Writing|0 Comments
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