In the media #1

My first mention in the media has occurred already.  That was fast. Books +Publishing is, according its own website, Australia’s number-one source of news about the book industry, keeping subscribers up to date with the latest book industry news, events, features, interviews, opinion, personnel changes, job advertisements and classifieds. Books+Publishing is also the only source of pre-publication reviews of Australian books. And today they've published a little article about me and my book! Gosh, I wonder if people will stop me in the street now? Will I get mobbed at my [...]

2018-03-25T13:14:31+11:00August 17th, 2016|Work in Progress|0 Comments

Had a coffee with my publisher yesterday…

Wow. It feels unbelievably good to say/write that out loud. After much deliberation and a lengthy discussion with my agent (ok, yes, it was over lunch but we both drank water - honest!) I decided to go with Text Publishing. In the end I was lucky enough to receive seven generous offers for the manuscript. I can't imagine that will ever happen again so I was careful to enjoy every minute! And speaking at length with the wise, intelligent and enthusiastic editors from each of those houses has been a [...]

2018-03-25T13:15:49+11:00August 12th, 2016|Life, Work in Progress, Writing|25 Comments

Offers from publishers

Right now I have written offers from six different publishers (so far). Yes, six. Yes, all of them well-known publishing houses. I know, I'm gobsmacked too. I've spent the last few weeks talking with each of them, on the phone and face-to-face - wonderful and lengthy conversations about writing, editing, history and Elizabeth Macarthur. I must say that everyone I've spoken with has been incredibly friendly and nice.  And all very keen to win me over. I've never heard so many people say so many lovely things about my writing! [...]

I’ve started hearing from publishers…

...and the response - so far - is pretty positive! Two weeks ago my agent sent out a proposal, and a sample of my manuscript, to a carefully curated selection of publishers.  She gave them six weeks to reply but already we've heard encouraging things from nearly all of them. One rang to speak with me last week, another plans to ring me this week. This, at left, is how I'm feeling right now.  Shaggy, but with pretensions. Stay tuned!

2018-03-25T13:29:53+11:00June 28th, 2016|Work in Progress, Writing|0 Comments

How to get your writing read by a publisher (or seven)

Some, but not all, of the participants, publishers and agents. Sadly my red 'power boots' are barely visible. Nor are my lucky socks. It’s really easy. All you have to do is spend 2-10 years writing, refining and rewriting your work. Then apply for a place in the ACT Writers Centre’s HARDCOPY Program for emerging writers. Then, if you are among the 30 or so people accepted, find the cash to pay for the course as well as two (and hopefully three) trips to Canberra. Flights and accommodation. [...]

2018-03-28T17:03:54+11:00December 4th, 2015|Work in Progress, Writing|29 Comments

Another HARDCOPY Win!

Spring has sprung some surprises Yikes!  I’m one of the ten writers chosen to progress to the next round of the HARDCOPY program. That means in late November I go back to Canberra and the ACT Writers Centre to spend precious one-on-one time with agents and publishers, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of my manuscript. As far as I know the publishers who have agreed to be involved include: Affirm Press; Allen & Unwin; Black Inc; Editia; Finlay Lloyd; Penguin Random House; and Scribe.  Australian literary agent Jacinta [...]

2018-03-21T14:55:35+11:00October 8th, 2015|Work in Progress, Writing|0 Comments

Catchy Titles are Crucial

Original Illustration by ColinThompson - find out more at What is it about a catchy book title?  What makes us pick up this book, instead of that one?  I don't think it's just the title but it's not nothing, either. Off the top of my head, some of my favourite Australian titles (not my favourite books, just the titles) include: Monkey Grip (surely the best title in the history of the world?) The Tyranny of Distance Possum Magic Tomorrow, When the War Began Power Without Glory Cloudstreet [...]

2018-03-25T00:50:04+11:00September 20th, 2015|Work in Progress, Writing|0 Comments

Marsden Online Archive

Samuel Marsden. Picture source: Wikimedia Commons It still amazes me that I can sit on my couch of an evening (fire crackling, tv blaring, #1 son immersed in the XBox) and yet the miracle that is the Internet means I can read a journal from 1814 in the original. Shall we pause for moment to consider how brilliant that is? The particular journal I found belonged to one Rev Samuel Marsden.  In Australia he was more or less reviled as the flogging parson but apparently he was (and, [...]

Maligning Mr Leach – the gaps are where the mysteries lie

Someone asked me the other day if the biography I'm working on will contain any fictional elements. Um, no. If it did it, wouldn't it be a work of historical fiction, and not a biography? And yet, I do confess, the temptation to create fiction - to fill in the gaps - is strong. Occasionally within the text of my manuscript I offer some brief conjecture.  But I'm careful to make it very clear that conjecture and guess-work (albeit educated guess-work) is all that it is.  However sometimes my conjecture [...]

Paleography – transcribing old letters

Transcribing Elizabeth Macarthur's letters is at once illuminating and frustrating. I'm currently working on one that Elizabeth sent to Captain John Piper, in 1804.  The original is held in the Mitchell Library, Sydney.  John Macarthur was away in England at the time and Captain Piper, a good friend to both Elizabeth and John, was stationed at Norfolk Island (a secondary penal colony, some 1600kms northeast of Sydney). The letter is a crucial one because in it Elizabeth describes how she and her children fled  from their farm in Parramatta to [...]

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